Alex Fortuna

Lead Developer, Mentor, IT Consultant


1993 - 1999


Company, Russia (remote)Senior Developer
Jul 2023 - now
ruby ruby-on-rails mysql
  • Development of a videoplatform for businesses.
Jun 2021 - now
typescript deno ruby ruby-on-rails cloud serverless nodejs

See the “Projects” section.

Company, Germany (remote)Lead Backend Developer
Mar 2020 - Jun 2021
typescript nodejs nestjs graphql typeorm postgresql aws
  • Design and development of a secure online communicator backend for web and mobile.
  • Cloud infrastructure administration (AWS).
Kaia Health, Munich, Germany (remote)Backend Developer
Jul 2017 - Sep 2018
ruby ruby-on-rails rspec tdd docker postgresql amazon-web-services linux
  • Backend development for the medical apps to self-manage pain based on multimodal therapy.
Rever, Eagle, USA (remote)Lead Developer
2015 - 2016
ruby ruby-on-rails rspec postgresql postgis amazon-web-services linux
  • Full-stack and backend development for the REVER motorcycle route planning app.
  • Cloud infrastructure administration (AWS).
LensCulture, Alameda, USA (remote)Lead Developer
2014 - 2015
ruby ruby-on-rails rspec amazon-web-services mysql linux
  • Full stack development of LensCulture online contemporary photography magazine.
  • Cloud infrastructure administration (AWS).
PresaleToday, New York, USA (remote)Full-stack Developer
2010 - 2013
ruby ruby-on-rails postgresql heroku linux
  • Full-stack development of the US/Canada show ticket presale platform.
MGTS, Moscow, RussiaChief Specialist at R&D Centre
1998 - 2008
dsl broadband telecom voip lan wan cisco linux
  • Telecom equipment testing: WAN, broadband access.
  • Broadband/telecom service design.
Venom Studios, Moscow, RussiaLead Developer, Co-founder
1996 - 2002
c c++ graphics games multimedia

Games/multimedia products development:

  • Russian Pinball (2001)
  • Scolopendra (1998)
  • Formoza Video Music (1997)
  • Party Nation (1996)

Open source projects

rspec_skel A minimal RSpec skeleton
A minimal stand-alone Ruby project with a ready-to-use RSpec setup.
real-world-rspec Real-world RSpec
A collection of active, open source Rails apps and Ruby libraries with extensive RSpec coverage.
rspec_magic A little bit of magic for RSpec tests
A set of extensions for writing compact and expressive tests.
attr_magic The tools to ease lazy attribute implementation
A Ruby gem to program using a lot of lazy attributes.
Tunkit The SSH tunnel kit
A set of scripts to create and manage SSH-based tunnels.
Procdown Procedural Markdown
Compose and maintain multi-page Markdown documents with ease.
neverbounce-api Official NeverBounce API in Ruby
NeverBounce is a mass e-mail validation service.
ori Object-oriented ri for IRB console
Bringing ri documentation right to your Ruby IRB console in a simple, consistent and truly object-oriented way.
rails_dt Rails debug toolkit
A dedicated debug message printer with the proper ideas behind it.
handles_sortable_columns Sortable table columns
A simple yet flexible Rails gem to quickly add sortable table columns to your controller and views.
bundler-gemlocal Local Gemfile solution that works
Let individual developers have their own custom Gemfile in addition to project-wide Gemfile.
gopee A dedicated debug message printer
Print debug messages and variable contents in Golang with ease.
git-sandbox Git sandbox
A tool to conduct Git experiments acting as several developers at once, do it fast and with minimal effort.
wt The Working Template paradigm
A Ruby paradigm to help implement, share and maintain complex CLI scripts with ease.
modular-irbrc Modular `.irbrc` to load features dynamically
Load features dynamically into Ruby IRB in a simple, flexible and manageable way.


  • Ruby, Ruby-on-Rails
  • TypeScript, NestJS, Deno, Node.js
  • Rust, Vlang
  • Angular
  • R
  • TDD, BDD, RSpec, Cucumber, CircleCI, Travis CI, Jenkins
  • PostgreSQL, PostGIS, MySQL
  • AWS, Linode
  • Git, Jira/Confluence, Redmine, YouTrack, Asana
  • Linux, shell, scripting
  • Containers, Docker, orchestration


Russian (native)
English (fluent)


🥇Top-rated, 97% Job Success on Upwork by the end of 2017